Madam Doris
Ashanti region, Ghana | 38 years old
Have 5 children to take care of

I am a widowed lady of age 38
living in a suburb of Ashanti region,
Bekwai in the Amansie West Municipality of Ghana.
I have 5 children to take care of
as I have been the only bread-winner of the family since my husband’s demise.

He is now imprisoned for 15 years for a crime he didn't commit and we need a legal team to assist us.
My husband died six years ago due to a chronic illness. At that time my family shattered into pieces and so did all the strength I had. But I had to somehow find that inner strength. As a mother, it is now my responsibility to handle everything that comes our way be it financial or emotional.
All my children’s education and essentials require a chunk of money which I am unable to earn. Even worse, one of my sons is in police custody - he was arrested for stealing and fraud which he had no idea about. He is now imprisoned for 15 years for a crime he didn't commit and we need a legal team to assist us. The moment I learned of his case, I felt as if I had failed as a mother to protect my children.
The family my husband and I raised together is now in my hands and I am incapable of shaping their good future. I really want my children to have good careers, and all the basic needs they deserve. AFIM has been of great help as they visited us and empathized with our sorrow. They donated food and other essentials to us. Our family needs help - to build up good lives for my kids. AFIM will always be a part of our small family, and helping them is helping us.
AFIM has been of great help as they visited us and empathized with our sorrow.

$ 7.50
Feeds 1 family for 1 week
$ 29.58
Feeds 1 family for 1 month
Please help us support this family and other underprivileged families. Your donations make a difference in their lives.

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